Friday, July 27, 2012



250gm glutinous rice,soaked overnight and drained

3 pandan leaves,cut into 6cm length

125gm brown sugar or gula melaka chopped

60ml water

2 pandan leafs,knotted

200ml thick coconut milk

1/8 tsp salt

1. Line a base of a steamer tray with a piece of muslin cloth and arrange the pandan  leaves on the cloth. Spread glutinous rice over the pandan leaves and steam for 30-35 mints.

2. Mean while combine brown sugar,sugar,water and knotted pandan leafs in a saucepan over a gentle low heat to dissolve. Then strain the brown sugar syrup.

3. Remove the rice and mix with the coconut milk,salt and brown sugar syrup in a non-stick wok. Cook over low heat stirring constantly until the mixture becomes rich and oily.

4. Spread the wajik on a metal tray lined with a foil. Flatten out with a piece of plastic sheet and leave aside to cool and harden  before cutting into serving pieces.

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