Sunday, February 7, 2016



250 gm rice flour

1 cup cooked rice

½ ulutham paruppu,soaked for 5-6 hours

1 tsp salt

¼ tsp yeast

1 cup sago

Water as needed

1.    Grind the soaked ulutham paruppu,salt,yeast and cooked rice with 1 cup water or a bit more till fine.

2.    Pour the batter in a bowl and add in the rice flour little by little and make into a thick batter. Keep a side for it to rise 5-6 hours.

3.    When the batter has rise. Boil 2 litre water and when the water is boiling add in the sago little by little and mix well. Cook this till the sago becomes clear.

4.    Then remove from the heat and add in some water and mix well and strain it. Wash the cooked sago under a running water till it becomes cool. Strain well then add it to the idli batter mix well ( mix to the fermented batter).

For the tempering

2-3 tbsp oil

2 big onion,finely sliced

3 cm ginger,chopped finely

2-3 green or dry chilies,sliced

1 tsp mustard seeds*

1 tsp ulutham paruppu*

1 tsp cumis*

2-3 stalks curry leafs

¼ tsp asafetida powder

Heat the oil and add in the * ingredients and fry then add in the onion and fry till it turn light brown. Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix well and fry add this to the idlis batter and mix well. Heat the steamer and pour the idli batter to the mould and steam till cook.

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