Friday, February 5, 2016



600 gm firm tau foo,cut into small cubes and fry till very light brown. Keep aside.

300 gm potatoes, cut into cube as big as the tau foo.

150 tomato,chopped

2 1/2 cup thin coconut milk

2 tbsp meat curry powder

½ tbsp chilie powder

1 tsp garam masala powder

100 gm onion,finely sliced

½ tbsp garlic paste*

½ tbsp ginger paste*

2 stalk kari leafs

½ tsp sugar

Salt to taste

3 tbsp oil

Chopped coriander leaves.

1.    Heat oil and add in the onions and kari leafs mix and fry till the onion turn light brown. Add in the paste* and fry till the raw smell disappear. Add in the garam masala,chilie powder and curry powder mix well and add in the chopped tomato and a little water mix well and let the oil rise.

2.    Add in the potatoes and mix well pour in the coconut milk and mix well. Cover the and cook over a low heat till the  potatoes are cooked. Add in the tau foo and salt and mix and stir fry till it becomes dry. Garnish with chopped coriander leafs 

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