Saturday, August 20, 2016



300 gm young jack fruit,sliced

20 anchovies, optional,pounded coarsely

50 gm grated coconut

11/2 cup water or coconut milk

1 tbsp sugar

Salt to taste

1 big onion,sliced finely

3 garlic, pounded coarsely

3 green chilie,sliced

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp ulutham parupu

½ tsp  cumin’s

2 stalk curry leafs

¼ tsp asafoetida powder

3-4 oil

1.    Heat the oil and fry the mustard seeds,cumins and ulutham paruppu. Add in the onion,garlic,chilie and the curry leafs fry till the onion turn a little brown.

2.    Add in the anchovies and fry for a while then add in the jackfruit mix well and add in the water and mix well. Cover the pan and let the jackfruit cooked.

3.    When the jackfruit is cooked and the water dries up add in the coconut and mix well. Add in the sugar and mix taste before adding the salt. Serve hot with rice.

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