Tuesday, August 16, 2016



150 gm tang mien flour

250 gm sugar

A pinch salt

800 ml water

70 gm cashewnuts,chopped

1 tsp rose essence

80 gm ghee

Red food colouring

Some pistachios and chopped almond for garnishing

1 greased 20 x 15cm tray

1.    In a nonstick pan add in the salt and flour and add water little by little and mix till there is no lumps.

2.    Heat the pan and cook stirring till it becomes a little thick add in the sugar and food colourings. Keep stirring and when it becomes thick add in the ghee and stir.

3.    Stir till the ghee is well mix add in the rose essence and chopped cashewnuts mix well till it leaves the side of the pan and very clear.

4.    Pour into the tray and smooth the surface and garnish with the chopped almond and pistachios. Let it cool before cutting.

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