Monday, August 14, 2017




500 gm shark, remove skin and cut into small pieces mix with 1 tsp turmeric and a little salt steam till cooked. Remove the bones and flaked. Keep a side.

1 cup grated coconut, dry roasted till light brown


2 big onion, sliced finely


40 gm ginger, chopped


40 gm garlic, chopped


3 green chilies, chopped


2 dry chilies, broken


Lime juice to taste


Salt to taste


2 tbsp oil


1 tsp mustard seeds


1 tsp ulutham paruppu


1 tsp cumin seeds


2 stalk kari leaves


1.    Heat  the oil and when the oil is hot add in the mustard seeds, cumin and ulutham paruppu.


2.    Add in the onion, garlic, ginger, chilies and the curry leaves fry till fragrant.


3.    Add in the fish, coconut and salt and sprinkle some water mix well and fry till dry add in the lime juice and mix well. Remove from the heat. Serve with rice.

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