Tuesday, August 15, 2017



1 cup flour

11/4 cup coconut milk,or a bit more.

1 egg, optional

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp ghee

1 tsp baking powder

Mix all the ingredients in bowl then pour in a blender and blend. Keep a side.

For the filling

150 grated coconut

¼ coarsely grind peanuts

60 gm jiggery or brown sugar,to your taste

1/4 tsp cardamom powder

1 tsp ghee

1 tsp flour

¼ cup water

1.    Bring the water to boil and add in the sugar and cook till it melts filter it to get rid of any dust.

2.    Heat back the filtered sugar and add in the coconut, ghee and peanut mix well add in the cardamom powder and the flour mix will till moist and dry. Cool

3.    Heat up a shallow nonstick frying pan over a low heat and grease it with a little ghee. Pour some batter  and swirl the pan to coat it to form a thin crepe.

4.    When the crepe is cooked . transfer it into a tray and place 2 heaped  tsp of the of the filling on the crepe and roll it up like a spring roll. Serve with tea.

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